Wednesday, December 22, 2010


It it almost 2011, can you believe it?! I finally got a chance, and energy, to update my life after a very stressful 2 weeks. It has been raining all day, everyday, for like a week in my hometown! I am mostly stuck at home watching movies in my pjs and eating chocolates and candy lol. Besides that, my break has consisted if pure relaxation with a couple of shopping/going out with friends. We had our yearly christmas/secret santa dinner last night and it was a blast! I will have pictures later :]

Anyway, I have been very much obsessed with finding winter boots and jackets lately. I find myself going into every store I love and looking for those two things and walking about with everything BUT I'm too picky. Amongst those random things are nail polish! I am a nail polish junky and I am always on the lookout for inexpensive brands that live up to its claims. I have just stumbled on an amazing find: Forever21 polish! I always walk by them when I shop there and I finally decided to try them out and I love love love them. I have been wearing a pink one for the past three days and not one of my nails have chipped! Not to mention you only need 2 coats and they cost less than $3! I'm in love.

Another obsession is Charlotte Russe and WetSeal...they always have awesome deals on cute dressy tops, especially online. I don't like investing on "going out" tops too much because I don't like to re-wear them too often (bc of pictures and stuff lol). I don't get rid of them! but I go a while until I wear the same shirt I weird?

This is just a random ramble post about..nothing. I hope you guys have an amazing Christmas and New Years just in case I don't get around to writing again.

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